
Skystone to Build World’s Tallest Modular Marriott Hotel With Autodesk Portfolio

Categories:AEC Construction

Skystone relies on Autodesk products throughout the building process of the world’s tallest modular hotel, soon to be erected in Manhattan.

New YorkCity construction companySkystoneiserectingtheworld’stallest modular hotel.Whenthe doors of the new AC Marriott New York Hotel open to guests,the 168-room, 26-storyhotel will represent another extraordinary,record-settingproject by the global contractor.

Skystoneisreinventing howbuildings are constructed.Skystoneis offering cost efficient, higher quality to developers in a compressed timeline with the added benefits of less waste, noise and congestion-causing shipments and staging of materials versus traditionally constructed projects.Skystoneis manufacturing fully completed modular hotel rooms including all finishes, furniture and equipment, in a manufacturing facility in Poland, and shipping them to New York City on a single vessel.

Steel modulesare createdthe controlled environment of a factory,resulting in greater efficiency.

The tech behind the record

At Autodesk University 2019,Skystoneshareditsnot-so-secret recipe for success in going for “tallest” this time:Autodesk solutions for end-to-end project delivery. FromAutoCADandRevitfor design toAssemble对分段装配,andBIM 360forconstruction management, Autodesk is proud to be part of the DNA of the soon-to-be tallestvolumetricmodular hotel in the world,and futureSkystoneprojects worldwide.

Autodesk’s BIM 360 platform is used for construction management of the AC Marriott and keeps project data and teams connected.

Skystonesought一个全平台keepallits project data – and there’s a lot of it – and its teams connected throughout the projectfrom design conception through completion.Skystoneturned toAutodesk’sBIM 360platform.WhileSkystonewasn’t always using Autodesk construction software,thecompanyultimatelysaw the benefitsofusing asingle platformrather thanitsold software tools, which offeredlimited, singlepoint solutionsfor eachpart of the project.

How do we feel about being the tech partner behindSkystone’sproject? Pretty darned proud.

They arrive and they rise

完全完成了热el room modules traverse the Atlantic Ocean on a container ship from Poland to New York Harbor.

Once the modular rooms arriveinNew York, they’llbe loaded ontoflatbed trucks, hauled across the Brooklyn Bridge in one impressive spectacle you might otherwise expect from aBarnum & Bailey’s Circuscaravan, and lifted into place by crane, onebyone. Just imagine how the builders of the Brooklyn Bridge back in 1883 would react to the cavalcade of modular rooms crossing the bridge.

Are there real benefits to modular construction?Learn more.

What are the benefits of modular construction? A modular approach makes a construction process more like a manufacturing one, taking some of the work away from the unpredictable environment of a construction site and making it more predictable, like a well-run factory. This means fewer delays due to weather, less foot traffic at the job site and less risk of injuries.It also means higher quality and quicker delivery for developers.

Putting heads in beds as quickly as possible

The idea of modular isn’t new. In fact, Sears,Roebuck,andCompanysoldmodular homesmore than100 years ago,from 1908 to 1940. But times have changed, and the construction industry is quickly evolving frommodular homes andtraditional analogmethodstocommercial towers anddigitalprocesses. Rather thanbuilding outside in inclement weather – heat, snow, rain, wind – buildingis now taking placeindoors, which improves safety, quality and predictability. Thisapproach, which we liken totraditionalmanufacturingprocesses,is calledindustrialized construction.

A fully completed volumetric modular hotel room gets hoisted up by crane and stacked onto the building one by one.

As the global population increases and cities become even more crowded than they are today, we need to buildthings faster.The convergence of manufacturing and construction isredefining the future of making,changing the waythe industrybuilds.InSkystone’smodular approach, buildings are built better andnearly 25 percentfaster, and workers are able to workmore efficiently in a controlledenvironmenton the front end, rather thanworkharder on the back end.

However, it’s thehoteldevelopersandfranchisees andthe brandsthey work with to flag their properties – such as Marriott International– thatare encouraging a movement towardmodular.According to a Marriott International executive,modular makes sense because it helps to deliver a high-quality product with less on-site waste and a better guest experience, due to more robust soundproofing.

With that in mind, Marriott International set an ambitious goal of taking a modular approach to construction for25percent of its select-service-hotel pipeline in North America. Marriott International is a catalyst and champion for educating the hotel development and franchise world about the benefits of modular and is even providing financial incentives for eligible modular projects.

When the parade of disassembled hotel roomstraverses theBrooklyn Bridge, we’ll be therephysically, gazing in marvel, andalsobepresentin the digital DNA of each component.

Welook forward to trackingSkystone’sprogress and helping thembuild the world around us – one modular room at a time.
